Parks Canada: Walking Tours

May – September

1102 Front Street, Dawson City, Y0B 1G0


Historic Downtown Walking Tour

The Historic Downtown Walking Tour meanders along streets that were lined with theatres, saloons, dancehalls, fortune-hungry miners, and those who would seek to part them from their poke.
Guests are welcomed into beautifully preserved gold-rush era buildings not otherwise open to the public, including a staid and stately bank, a gorgeous saloon, and a post office once considered one of the most elegant buildings in the country.


Self-Guided Walking Tour

This hour and a half tour through the core of Dawson City offers a wealth of information about how Dawson grew from a moose pasture to a boom town and beyond. Hear stories about the people who came to here as well as the historic buildings that still line the streets of Dawson. This tour can be rented from the Visitor Information Centre and is offered in English, Français and Deutsch.

Please bring your own headphones if possible, respect and follow the guidelines in place for physical distancing, and if you feel unwell, please stay home.


Visite Guidée des Sites Historiques Nationaux du Klondike – Randonnée Guidée

Découvrez l’histoire de Dawson City au temps de la ruée vers l’or, à travers les lieux et bâtiments que les habitants ont occupés pendant ces quelques années intenses. Cette visite à pied vous permettra d’expérimente plus qu’un retour dans le temps. Elle donne un aperçu de l’histoire de la ville du point de vue de ceux qui l’ont vécue: vie estivale ou hivernale, Première nation ou nouveau venu, mineur ou mineur des mineurs, artiste du spectacle ou impresario. Comment les francophones ont laissé leur marque dans cette histoire encore vivante? Découvrez cela et encore plus au cours de cette promenade de 90 minutes au cœur du noyau historique de Dawson City.



Parks Canada offers programming from May to September.  For the most up to date information on our programs please visit the Parks Canada website.